Designer: Trey Marshall
Date: 8 October 1944~5 May 1945
Location: Northwestern Romania-Hungary-Northwestern Yugoslavia-Austria
Map scale: 10km per hex
Time scale: Half-week turns
Unit scale: Divisions-Regiments
Length: 61 turns
Unit color:
German Wehrmacht - White on Grey
German Waffen SS - Black on Grey
Luftwaffe/Fallschrimjaeg - Blue on Grey
Hungrarian - Blue on Green
Russian - Yellow on Red
Russian Guards - White on Red
Romanian - Blue on Red
Significant Events: Axis units east of Triza River can not move until Russians capture Oradea.
Scenario Briefing:
The situation that begins Hungarian Campaign is the result of a series Russian offensives that began in late August 1944 against Army Group South Ukraine along the Dniester River. The offensive combined with the collapse of Romanian military and political support for the Axis resulted in large pockets of German and Hungarian troops with no distinguished frontline. Also, many of the former Axis Romanian troops took up arms against the retreating Germans. The dogged German army retreated to a more defensible Carpathian mountains in western Romania under constant pressure from the 2nd Ukrainian Front. The 3rd Unkrainian Front assaulted through southern Romania and into Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. By early October, the remnants of Army Group South Ukraine held on to the mountain passes and the relatively flat Hungarian plain west of Oradea and Debrecen. The new situation presented STAVKA with a juicy target with the German 8th Army and 2nd Hungarian Army deployed far east in the mountain passes while the weak 6th Army and 3rd Hungarian Army held a precarious position dug-in on the Hungarian plain west of Oradea. On 6 October 1944, the Russians began their Debrecen operation spearheaded by 6th Guards Tank Army and Cavalry Groups Pliev and Gorshov. The assault shattered 3rd Hungarian Army and the Russian Cavalry Group run amok behind 6th Army. Days later Oradea fell and General Friessner begged Hitler to allow the Army Group South Ukraine (now renamed Army Group South) to withdraw to Triza River. III Panzer Korps launched a successful counterattack against the 6th Guards Tank Army near Debrecen to allow the 8th Army and 2nd Hungarian Army to withdraw. The Triza River defenses were quickly overcome by the Russian 2nd Ukrainian Front and by mid October, significant Russian forces were across Triza near Szeged. The Germans could not contain the Russian Offensive and by early November, the Russians were on the outskirts of Budapest......
占有胜利点:901 vs. 0
伤亡罚分:0 vs. 313